Healthcare - Blood Test Encounter Status

Data Dictionary for Healthcare Blood Test Encounter Status Table

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
BTEncStatID Blood Test Encounter Status Identifier A unique identifier assigned to each blood test encounter status record.
BTRuleTypeID Blood Test Rule Type Identifier A unique identifier that categorizes the type of rule applied to a blood test encounter.
PtID Patient Identifier A unique identifier assigned to a patient for tracking their medical records.
PtEncID Patient Encounter Identifier A unique identifier for a specific patient encounter, which can include visits, tests, or treatments.
ZUChkSum Audit Checksum A checksum value used for verifying the integrity of data within the system's audit logs.
ZUDate Audit Date The date on which a specific action was audited within the healthcare system.
ZULogonHisID User Logon History Identifier A unique identifier that tracks the logon history of users accessing the system for audit purposes.